
Indigoism is a concept or a way of life it is not a religion. Basically indigo is a color or shades of blue and purple. The color indigo is the description of the person`s aura. So an Indigo Child`s aura is indigo or shades of blue or purple. Indigo children have been on the earth since the beginning of time but people have started to classify them in the last hundred years. The Indigo child is a person that has an overall fulfillment or a destined place in life bigger than the materials of this world.

To classify yourself as an Indigo child majority of indigo children are misdiagnosed with ADD or ADHD. The children usually have trouble listening to authority figures and strive to show other people who they are and why they deserve their position in life.Indigo children strive to become more spiritual and intuitive. There are three basic traits or types of Indigo children have which is empathetic, psychic and spiritual. Some traits are stronger than other traits in every Indigo. An empathetic Indigo is one that focuses on empathy and saving the world and helping others. A psychic Indigo focuses or have the abilities of supernatural powers. The last trait is the spiritual Indigo, they usually focus or have the abilities to channel spirits and foresight.

To conclude this information Indigo children are enlightened beings or souls. These souls were born with this trait and can not be ignored. Being an Indigo can only be explored and learned to be used to fulfill your destiny in becoming a spiritual soul or being.indigoism

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